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Tokopedia Celebrating National Children Day 2022

08:20:15 | 24 Jul 2022
Tokopedia Celebrating National Children Day 2022
JAKARTA (IndoTelko)  -- “In the first semester of 2022, the Mom and Baby category is still one of the most popular categories in Tokopedia. Several products such as backpack, t-shirt, breast milk booster, milk for pregnant women, and Montessori toys were some of the best-selling products,” Tokopedia’s Head of Category Development Ramadhan Niendraputra said.

Several areas that saw the highest transaction increase in the Mom and Baby category during the first semester of 2022 were the districts of Hulu Sungai Tengah, Demak, and Jayawijaya. This trend was driven by various initiatives, including Tokopedia Parents, a unique ecosystem that helps Indonesian families access relevant information and safely and seamlessly shop for products needed by children and families

Welcoming National Children's Day on July 23, 2022, Tokopedia and Pediatrician, dr. Citra Amelinda, Sp.A, M.Kes, IBCLC shares tips for higher quality parenting.

Take Part  In the Children’s Activities - “A child’s golden period begins in the first 1,000 days. It is calculated from the womb until the age of 2. It is referred to as the golden period because during this period, a child's growth  occurs at such a rapid pace that the effects of such development  will become a child’s foundation as he/she grows up,” Amelinda said.

Apply Responsive Parenting - “Parents are known to maximize their children's potential in responsive parenting. Parents should not solely exert their will or be authoritarian, nor should they be overly indifferent,” Amelinda explained.

Direct response and parents' attention to children are also crucial. “When a child asks to talk or asks a question, for example, answer in a language that is easy to understand and allows him/her to respond. If the child is still a baby, pay attention to the eyes and chatter, which are also forms of communication between children and their parents,” Amelinda added.

Accompany Children When They Face Problems - “Be there for your child when they are stressed about problems, while also providing guidance by brainstorming solutions. This valuable experience can build self-confidence and age-appropriate problem-solving skills from an early age,” Amelinda suggested.

Teach Discipline Early - “Children require routines to form good habits that will make them feel safe and comfortable. "Parents can implement a regular schedule for sleeping, eating, and playing based on the different needs of each age," Amelinda explained.

Make Sure Your Child's Intake is Balanced - “To support a child’s development, provide nutritious and adequate breast milk as well as complementary foods. Make sure parents provide a variety of nutritious foods that include protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat in age-appropriate amounts and portions," Amelinda added.

One of the local MSMEs in Tokopedia that offers a range of fresh, healthy, and halal cuisine, also free of MSG and preservatives, making it suitable for children, is Resep Roemah. 

Owner of Resep Roemah Steven Hadi Gunawan stated, "Roemah's recipe is here to provide the family's need for nutritious food items for kids, particularly during the pandemic. We create more than 70 different options of soups, side dishes, and spices that can simply be steamed, boiled, or fried for less than 20 minutes.”

Tokopedia has helped this Tangerang-based SME attract more customers, even as far as Makassar. "Tokopedia accounts for more than 60% of Resep Roemah's orders. Over the last three months, our revenue reached hundreds of millions of rupiah," Steven concluded. (sar)

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