Expedia make easy for a hotel room

LONDON (IndoTelko) - Expedia.com announced the launch of the Expedia Add-On Advantage, the newest way for travellers to get a great hotel deal.

The Expedia Add-On Advantage unlocks guaranteed access to discounts from hundreds of thousands of participating hotels for travellers who book a flight, car, or package on Expedia up until their trip starts. On average, British travellers can secure up to 41% off the cost of their hotel purchase.

Expedia has long encouraged travellers to bundle their flight and hotel in a package for maximum savings due to the deep discounts offered by valued lodging partners. Research commissioned by Expedia1 shows 38 percent of people choose to book travel by bundling.

However, 43 percent of people, who prefer to book their flight first and then a hotel, are missing out on potential savings by not bundling them together. The Expedia Add-On Advantage offers travellers a new way to bundle and save, which Expedia believes will attract savvy travellers requiring more time and flexibility to book their trip.

Aaron Price, Senior Vice President of Global Marketing at Brand Expedia, comments: "When Expedia pioneered online travel more than 20 years ago, we wanted to put the power in the traveller's hands and we've worked tirelessly since to make it easier, more accessible and enjoyable for people to research and book travel. The launch of the Expedia Add-On Advantage is yet another example of how we are listening to our travellers and helping to bring their next trip within reach."

"No longer will they need to visit multiple sites when they know they're getting guaranteed access to discounts on accommodation simply from booking a flight, car or package. Better yet, it takes away the pressure of planning and paying for everything up front.".(es)